Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Image by Ray Man

I personally feel that this is a very powerful image of a woman.
This image seems to communicate the concept of post feminism whereby feminine sexuality is no longer a burden to females but a form of control over males. The model in the image is comfortable and confident of her body. Her hair seems to resemble a crown of fire. Her identity is not known due to the manipulation done to the photo. We are not sure what creature she was supposed to represent but she seems to embody a feminine figure yet full of authority, power and a stronghold over her male counterpart.

I found another surrealistic photo on the internet


I feel that this image exhibits the same kind of feminine authority similar to the same picture.
It seems to embody the idea of 'Mother Nature' since it consist of a female body made up of a mixture of elements, both man made and natural.

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